Tuesday, February 10, 2004

UPI has the primary scene from across the marsh

Select quotes:
"I thought Bush was the right choice four years ago, but I've gotten to loathe the guy. I really don't like his stand on the Middle East and especially going to war with Iraq. Kerry looks like the guy to beat him." -- Janet Sproul

"Its not so much anti-Americanism I sense here as it is Bush being an alienating factor (in foreign attitudes)." -- Bailey Kasten

"There are a lot of angry people here tonight. It's the same everywhere. We haven't had such a surge in interest in the organization's 40-year history." -- Rachelle Valladeres, international chairwoman of the Democratic Party Abroad

"If Bush gets re-elected, I fear he will have so changed the basic social structures of America there won't be any way back (for such things as social security). Dean is very supportive of rescinding Bush's tax cuts and he seems to have energized the campaign." -- David Merrill

Bailey Kasten's comments most closely reflect what I receive in emails and from reader comments. It's Bush that people abroad seem to take to task. Not America, nor Americans -- well, save for one American ;)

David Merrill's take on Bush's fiscal policy -- and the likely long term effect on social programs -- could have come from my own lips.

American expatriates in their own words.

Note: I would have used the modifier "Democrat" in the above, but commenters like Ms. Sproul defy that limitation.

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