Sunday, February 08, 2004

Kerry on BushCo:

"I don't think they're mainstream at all, and I think Americans want change and want to move in a stronger position for our country."

"I want to give a very special thank you to the state of Washington and the state of Michigan for giving us great victories today. We are deeply appreciative for that.

"A great message is being sent across the country from Michigan and Washington state, the same message that was sent in Iowa and New Hampshire and Missouri and other states across this country. And that is the same message that I'm carrying to Virginia and to Tennessee and to the rest of this country and that message is, 'George Bush's days are numbered and change is on the way.'"

Pretty strong stuff. But there is more.

Lifted directly from link below:
He said the current administration has abandoned "mainstream values" to pursue policies "fundamentally at odds with our history."

Kerry told supporters, who cheered loudly, that America is going in the wrong direction and, if elected, he would "turn it around from the radical course that George Bush and his extreme friends are taking us."

The Massachusetts senator said President Bush has weakened the country both at home and abroad, by running up record budget deficits and overextending the military.

Kerry, known to be an aggressive campaigner, said he was prepared for attacks by what he called "the Republican smear machine," saying, "I am one Democrat who knows how to fight back and I've only just begun to fight."

Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie has attacked Kerry's Senate record on national security issues, while carefully acknowledging his service as a decorated Navy officer in Vietnam.

"This week George Bush and the Republican smear machine have begun to trot out the same old lines of attack, Kerry said. "They've used those lines of attack to try to blur the real issues before this country. They've used this to divide us before and I have news this time for George Bush and Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie and the rest of their friends, I am not going to back down."

Prior to the event, and his victories, Kerry spent the day painting Bush as an extremist.

Here is the link below

pure bs speculation

Unless Kerry does something really weird, this thing is over. The primary, I mean. I expect Dean to make an announcement tomorrow. Of course, I am speculating here.

I also find it rather odd that I'm in agreement with a politico. That troubles me ;)

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