Chalmers Johnson
I have just spent an hour or so listening to Chalmers Johnson discuss his book Sorrows of Empire as well as a great many other things.
I'll add this to my reading list.
I don't know where you can listen to this remarkable interview. I just happened to catch the interview on
A somewhat expurgated and shortened text of the interview can be found at ZMag. It doesn't do the audio interview the slightest amount of justice.
The interview is very good. He slays a great many Imperial albatrosses - or golden geese if you happen to own stock in the companies that directly profit from war.
Watch..ermm...Listen for a replay!
Update: It appears that Buzzflash has a more complete version of the interview.
I'll add this to my reading list.
I don't know where you can listen to this remarkable interview. I just happened to catch the interview on
A somewhat expurgated and shortened text of the interview can be found at ZMag. It doesn't do the audio interview the slightest amount of justice.
The interview is very good. He slays a great many Imperial albatrosses - or golden geese if you happen to own stock in the companies that directly profit from war.
Watch..ermm...Listen for a replay!
Update: It appears that Buzzflash has a more complete version of the interview.