Saturday, February 14, 2004

Tom Rath of NH moves goalposts.

In this NYT piece NH Republican Tom Rath is quoted as saying the following:

" 'Get going' is the operative term. You've had a couple of weeks where the free media has not been what it should be.
There's a need for an antidote."

There is a need to alter a 'free media?" Jefferson would be most displeased. If anything, the media is finally serving in its role as public watchdog after having spent the last 40 months on vacation.

It should be pointed out that Rath's wife, Christine Rath is a local high school principal. Tom Rath is putting party -- at least in his public image -- over principle(no pun intended)

He is widely seen as a moderate Republican, that the Bush campaign -- if he wasn't so influential -- would paint as a Republican in Name Only(RINO). He would be painted as a liberal. He does support many progressive policies, which are anathema to Bush.

It is so unlikely that Rath supports Bush's policy positions in nearly every area, that one could say that Rath is being hypocritical.

More later.

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