I'm back!
Hello fellow 'netizens! I am back after a long, painful absence.
Rather than detail my recovery from my vehicle wreck, I'll get right back to posting stuff.
Ann Coulter is a lousy comedienne. From Pharyngula we learn that Coulter believes that evolutionary biology is the product of a "cult" mentality. Ann also bashes women, hence she displays mysogynistic tendencies.
From her latest book(I'm sure you know which one) comes the following:
It isn't remotely accurate.
It is my hope that Ms. Coulter actually go to a library and research the field of biology. I don't think it necessary to detail the fact that all the sciences are interdisciplinary.
Let us hope that Ann is the one that gets true religion, and instead of bashing straw-men(and women), does some actual research should she ever get published again.
To Ann: Please continue with your terrific insights. I'd expect nothing more from a person claiming that a book with talking animals and other nonsense holds ultimate truth.
In other news, it looks like the Godless librul scientists were correct about the rate of global warming. The link is to a page with lots more clicky links.
Maybe this will be the wake-up call that drives our elected - and un-elected - officials kicking and screaming into doing something about global climate change now that it's too late.
Next, a directive!!!
Being the all-out authoritarian that I am, I command you to get email alerts from Media Matters.
Finally, I found out precisely what my political philosphical bent is... I am a...get ready...I am a 'post-left anarchist with primitivist leanings.'
I was thusly dubbed by the Green Mountain anarchist collective.
I fail the big test of primitivism by not rejecting technology, yet embrace most of the ideology's other tenets.
(that's what I get for going to Vermont :) )
There are a lot more things that I've found noteworthy; I'm still angry even with the flood of prescribed meds.
I figured I'd wade back into the water slowly. No need to dive into the deep end after a long hiatus.
It's good to be back!
Rather than detail my recovery from my vehicle wreck, I'll get right back to posting stuff.
Ann Coulter is a lousy comedienne. From Pharyngula we learn that Coulter believes that evolutionary biology is the product of a "cult" mentality. Ann also bashes women, hence she displays mysogynistic tendencies.
From her latest book(I'm sure you know which one) comes the following:
Their grandiose self-conceptions to the contrary, the cult [the "evolution cult"] members are rarely scientists at all.This isn't funny.
They're almost always biologists—the "science" with the greatest preponderance of women. The distaff MIT "scientist" who fled the room in response to Larry Summers's remarks was, of course, a biologist. While I'm sure there have been groundbreaking discoveries about the internal digestive system of the earthworm, biologists are barely even scientists anymore. They're classifiers, list-makers, like librarians with their Dewey decimal system. Except librarians don't claim the Dewey decimal system holds the Rosetta Stone to the universe. There were once great biologists, but the morally vacuous ones began to promote their own at the universities. It was sort of intelligently designed devolution. Like Marxists gradually dominating the comp lit department, biologists will only be given tenure today if they foreswear any doubts about the evolution pseudoscience. Consequently, "biologist" almost always means "evolutionary biologist," which is something like an "ESP biologist."
It isn't remotely accurate.
It is my hope that Ms. Coulter actually go to a library and research the field of biology. I don't think it necessary to detail the fact that all the sciences are interdisciplinary.
Let us hope that Ann is the one that gets true religion, and instead of bashing straw-men(and women), does some actual research should she ever get published again.
To Ann: Please continue with your terrific insights. I'd expect nothing more from a person claiming that a book with talking animals and other nonsense holds ultimate truth.
In other news, it looks like the Godless librul scientists were correct about the rate of global warming. The link is to a page with lots more clicky links.
Maybe this will be the wake-up call that drives our elected - and un-elected - officials kicking and screaming into doing something about global climate change now that it's too late.
Next, a directive!!!
Being the all-out authoritarian that I am, I command you to get email alerts from Media Matters.
Finally, I found out precisely what my political philosphical bent is... I am a...get ready...I am a 'post-left anarchist with primitivist leanings.'
I was thusly dubbed by the Green Mountain anarchist collective.
I fail the big test of primitivism by not rejecting technology, yet embrace most of the ideology's other tenets.
(that's what I get for going to Vermont :) )
There are a lot more things that I've found noteworthy; I'm still angry even with the flood of prescribed meds.
I figured I'd wade back into the water slowly. No need to dive into the deep end after a long hiatus.
It's good to be back!