Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas!

In spite of the allegations that the liberal elites are out to destroy Christmas everywhere, we at pure bs wish to toss some water(no, it's not Holy water, merely tap water) on this non-starter by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!

I guess it's a reindog or something..Close enough to 'Max' in Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas to be hip without stepping on copyright ;)

I have to go 'shred some wiretaps with care, in hopes that my civil rights will still be there.'

Merry X-Mas everyone!

Oh, and for any Right-wingers that think 'X-mas' somehow lessens the impact of Christmas, I suggest that you read up on your Greek. 'X' is derived from the greek word XPIΣTOΣ, which when transliterated(real word, honest!) means Christos. The Greek word for Christ.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

XXXtreem Bigotry!
..//Brought to you nearly live by RIGHT-WING PUNDITS!

Todd: Tonight on XXXreem, boy, those RIGHTies are really in the Christmas spirit! And we bring it to you nearly LIVE!

I'm here with my co-host, Tom Hun to discuss the daily savagings of limp-wristed Lefties, non-Aryan culture and a whole host of other topics of import to the RIGHT!

Tonight we look at two items by pillars of the RIGHT, Bill O' Reilly, and Ann Coulter.

Tom, do you have anything to add before we begin our first segment?

Tom Hun: Um, No.

Todd: Thanks ever so much for sharing that insight with our viewers, Tom. You really are a clueless (bleep) aren't you?

Tom: Uh, yes. But I'm pretty.

Todd: I'll pretend you never said that, you useless soiled teabag. Getting back on track, in our opening segment, that bastion of vitriole, Bill "Kill a Hack for Jesus" O'Reilly says this on his 'Daily Hate' radio program:
O'REILLY: All right, "No Spin News" real quick. Transit strike hits New York City. New York says it's against the law. The transit people don't care, and da-da-da -- 33,000 transit employees, and they're gone, so everybody's walking around. There's price gouging. A friend of mine told me that his daughter had to go out to the airport, a run that would cost you 40 bucks, and then somebody wants $300 to take you out there, you know, that kind of thing. Immediately, that person should be shot dead. Did you get that, you left-wing smear sites who are listening? OK? Just pass that around -- "O'Reilly wants cab drivers shot dead" -- big headline on the left-wing website. You gotta give them something, ladies and gentlemen. [laughter] These little weasels.
WOW. Now that's Harsh! Way to go, Billy O!

Tom Hun: You have to love those clipped sentences, Tom. Nothing appeals to the short attention span crowd, where was I going with this?

Todd: Hell if I know, Tom. [laughter] For all I know, You're a closet butt pirate. I have no idea why I just tossed that out, but it's XXXtreem!

Tom Hun: What?

Todd: We'll be RIGHT back after this commercial break! Stay tuned!

Todd: Now, in part two of Hateapalooza 2005, that blonde pundit, Ms..or is it Mr. Tom?

Tom Hun: I dunno, kinda hard to tell. She looks like she might have a package.

Todd: Regardless, Ann "Maim a Kitten, Cuz It's Fun" Coulter writes in her always informative 'Weekly Brownshirt' column:

Which brings me to this week's scandal about No Such Agency [NSA] spying on "Americans." I have difficulty ginning up much interest in this story inasmuch as I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East and sending liberals to Guantanamo.
Damn it, Tom. Ann really puts it together here. Spying on all arabs, pitching daisy cutters recklessly in the cradle of civilization, and all the while never forgetting that all those damned libruls ought to sent to Camp X-Ray! You're Damned Right, Ann!

Anything to add, Tom?

Tom Hun: Just one quick thought, Todd. Coulter missed hitting that one out of the park by not expressly stating that libruls go directly to Gitmo. Habeas corpus is for losers, Todd.

Todd: I'd say pussies, but essentially, you got that RIGHT, Tom![laughter]

Well, we're out of time, and we'll see you RIGHT here next week for another installment of Hard RIGHT unqualified and unresearched news. News for the RIGHT news that matters!

For XXXtreem Bigotry, this is Todd "The Left is Never" Wright, and Tom "I'm named after Attila" Hun, saying So Right! See you next week for our another segment of XXXtreem Bigotry!

Merry Aryan Christmas to you all!

Goodnight everyone!

Tom Hun: Todd, you're a narcissistic bastid.

Todd: Why thank you, Tom. And a Merry Christmas to you as well. You wanna maybe get a drink or something..or something?


Stay tuned to Fox for another episode of Great Reich History, as our expert team of historians examine the 1939 German invasion of Poland in Great Reich History: Blitzkreig, the Poles went crazy over it!.


Many thanks to the folks at Media Matters. The material for our fist segment was taken from this piece. The Ann Coulter item was robbed here. See both pieces for added color and background.

It's all true.

Lest anyone think I've completely left my mind, the above is intended purely as political satire. The statements made by O'Reilly and Coulter are most likely accurate, as Media Matters seldom mis-steps, but fortunately, the balance is pure fancy.

New Stuff Just Around Corner
I know. I haven't been making any entries.

For this I am sorry.

However, I have been following along. The political scene is rife with Abramoff rumors, an Osama myth(okay LIE) has been uncovered, The Iraqis are claiming voting fraud(they truly are on a similar path to democracy as the US), and Time Magazine staff minded its minders by naming yet more Western person(s) as Persons of the Year(admittedly, the Gates foundation and Bono are good choices, great even), but I find this to be the exception.

On that last note, there are some great people doing important work this year that you may wish to consider supporting.

Media issues:

For accuracy in righting the Right consider, the indispensible Media Matters.

Good television:

PBS Link to local station finder

Then there are so many around the globe in need that there is no way for me to compile a list in the few minutes it's taking me to compose this post.

Charity Watch is a good place to start, whilst ReutersAlertnet's searchable NGO database is a good place to start on a quest for a broader international search. In addition ReutersAlertNet also offers an emergency by region page which when you find a cause you'd like to assist with, simply open the link, and get the latest NGO news on the situation.

The caveat here is to always check out the organization before making a donation.

Until I go live with the site redesign ~1 January, I'll be making few entries.

Happy (insert your celebrated holidys here)!

Family arrives tonight. I'll be busy through to Monday. Plus my employer expects me to bloody work tomorrow! The nerve!

I'll be posting a list of 5 predictions for 2006 on 31 December. Stay tuned for the worst forecasting you've ever read!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Oh Yeah..What A Rush
That reflexive anthro-apologist Rush Limbaugh is again claiming madness about humankind's footprint upon the planet.

His climatology credentials are par excellence. As best as I can tell, he has no academic climatic credentials - having lasted but a year in college - and no experiential substance to back up his claims.

I'd say that he just 'makes shit up,' - and yes, he does make a self-referential plug of his own website's 'essential stack of stuff'(subscription required) - but I do not know that this is a fact. One can only imagine the voluminous material of peer-reviewed material refuting ecosystem change walled up in this haven for the latest in scientific debate.(heavy sarcasm)

Media Matters has Rush's latest.

I hesitate to call them lies, as I do not honestly know if Mr. Limbaugh possesses the acumen to differentiate between established fact and fantasy. His record is this area isn't very good.

Getting to the point, Rush claimed that, "[t]here is no evidence that we could destroy ecosystems."

While Media Matters does a good job of dispelling this obvious myth, the BBC's Guide to global environmental environmental issues is chock full of the good stuff.

Two other good sources are Bill Moyers' excellent Earth On Edge series and the World Resources Institute's terrific EarthTrends site. These last two sources are an ecosystem by ecosystem break down as to how far things are already impacted by human activity, as well as projections of future changes.

I don't think that I need to go into the Pleistocene-Holocene extinction event which is almost universally agreed to as being caused by human effect..and is accelerating even now.

A quick primer.

I would have never known about Limbaugh's latest if it was not for the tireless crew at Media Matters. I subscribed to their email updates, and it allows me a glimpse into the 'Right' mind that I would otherwise miss.

As I have stated many times before, I am not an expert on anything but some obscure mathematics, and semiconductor gate process modification.

I'm not a climatologist, but I understand much of the mathematics behind the modeling, and am open to new interpretations of data sets. Mr. Limbaugh cannot alter his positions even when confronted with evidences to the contrary.

His rigidity in thinking is a concern for us all, as Mr. Limbaugh is unfortunately, a primary 'news source' for millions of Americans.

Rush is Wrong.

Hey, look at that. I made an entire post about Limbaugh without mentioning midnight Denny's Oxy runs.


Well, almost.

Come on, People. We Just Gotta Spy!
The NYT is reporting that Bush has vigorously defended operation wiretap, while calling for the Senate to reauthorize the PATRIOT Act.

It's comical in a warped sort of way.

As is the norm, the best stuff is mined from the end of the article. According to the Times report, Bush said, "In a war on terror we cannot afford to be without this law for a single moment."

Any possible safety garnered from the wiretaps, and the PATRIOT Act have been more than offest by the Iraqi Adventure. Not to mention our pertro-centric middle-eastern policies over the last 50+ years(of which Iraq is merely the latest example)

Sometimes things just aren't a very good idea.

Slavery in the US was once considered essential and legal. Now I'm not foolish enough to equate the onerous provisions of the PATRIOT Act, and wiretaps with slavery, but it is useful to illustrate a point.

I say let's try and be without the PATRIOT Act for a single moment. If we feel brave enough, maybe two, or perhaps three moments.

Remember George, it was you that said if we allow the terrorists to alter our way of life, then they have won(paraphrasing)

Do you really want the terrorists to win, Mr. Bush?

The Ugly Side of Happiness
There is another study confirming what most people know, happy people tend to do better at living.

Unfortunately, I have had to release more happy people for lack of the ability to perform their tasks than their more serious, dour, yet technically more adept engineering colleagues.

It may just be that engineering isn't a people oriented profession. This is of course true. If my HR counterparts prevailed upon applicants that performing partial differential equations AND being jolly were unequally weighted - that the math far outweighs a smile - then maybe I'd have a better employee retention rate.

You'd not likely know it from the tone of this blog, but I am a gregarious and yes, happy guy.

Sure, I rail against injustice, but I feel that to be strongly positive. My colleagues are sometimes put off by my often anarchistic rantings, but I always do it with a smile :)

Verbal Fish Wrap
Sorry for the snarky title to W's Big Event of W's Big Night. Well, okay, I'm not sorry.

Official White House Transcript

For the truly informed dissenter, there is useable material in virtually every paragraph with which to take task.

In a nod to the WoC(War on Christmas), Bush ends his 'speech' with:
Next week, Americans will gather to celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah. Many families will be praying for loved ones spending this season far from home -- in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other dangerous places. Our nation joins in those prayers. We pray for the safety and strength of our troops. We trust, with them, in a love that conquers all fear, in a light that reaches the darkest corners of the Earth. And we remember the words of the Christmas carol, written during the Civil War: "God is not dead, nor [does] He sleep; the Wrong shall fail, the Right prevail, with peace on Earth, goodwill to men."

Just some quick observations from this paragraph.

1) Wiccans, Atheists, Agnostics - you guys don't matter to me.

2) Bush missed the word "does," but he remembered that God is a guy.

Optional: God is alive. He doesn't sleep, and science hasn't progessed since the time of the AMERICAN Civil War. We're so damned Amero-centric that we don't even notice such things.

3) "Right" is capitalized...And the 'Right' shall also prevail.(nod to Karl Rove?)

I do appreciate the sentiment, just not the messenger. Those were originally the words of Lonfellow in the poem, Christmas Bells. Love the coded messages :)

That's all for the moment, gotta feed.

Update: I'd rather not have published this entry. I did so after only ten minutes of waking from the evening's slumber. But I did, so I'll let it stand.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Bush's Big Night!
Gotta love the CNN Headline: Bush: Iraq pullout would hurt credibility

I'm betting that Barbara Bush is ruing the fact that '41' didn't 'pullout' early ;)

Senior's um, error has cost the US any shred of credibility we might once have had.

All I can add is 'thank Nature' that this is the last in Bush/Iraq war series of propaganda messages speeches.

In related news, Russ Feingold reminded folks that Bush is acting like "King George Bush" over the wiretapping fiasco.

Note to self: If anyone uses the term 'Tapgate,' Wiretapgate,' or other such silly monikers to describe this situation, I shall hunt them down and.....No, Todd. Bad, Todd. Bad.

It's really unfortunate that I won't be able to watch Action George deliver his address this evening. I have to change cat litter or something ;)

A special shout out to Bill O'Reilly, who I would like to wish a Happy Ramadan!

I know I'm a few months late, but with Bill being a few centuries out of touch, I don't believe he'll notice.

Allahu Akhbar, Bill!

Oh, and by the way, Bill, you are one letter away from being black. You are only one mutation away from being cool. Well, maybe more than one. Later, bro!         *shiver*

I'll be back to my usual blogging blather with the turn of the new year. For now, I'm just keeping the spirit alive. Fight the machine!