Friday, November 21, 2014

Nokia N1 AND I have started my icon set for Android 5..which is better than having Android 5 at this juncture

I am going to test drive a Nokia N1 tablet as soon as possible. It looks like next year at the earliest. If Nokia's native apps aren't too intrusive, this could be my next tech. buy. Of course much needs to be finalized. Specs-wise, it's a killer. As what is now high end hardware becomes mid-to-low end hardware, phones and tablets will become less expensive. Commodification is great for the end user, but really tough on margins from the silicon on up. The N1 should certainly land on these shores at no more than 349USD, and will likely be discounted from there over time. Now, on to my project X...

I have the Android Material Design SDK installed--along with the Eclipse ADT--and it's pretty easy to use. I do not think I am oversimplifying things as I grabbed a .png image, used Android Asset Studio>Eclipse>Presto!(well, "presto" isn't part of deal, but compiling my one icon--in five sizes--into an APK was too easy. No need for the SDK as yet. I may cheat a bit as I have a current copy of Axialis IconWorkshop, and I am never satisfied with UI elements that I author. I am going to read up on IconWorkshop a bit, and reason whether or not it will save me much hair pulling and use of foul language.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Go figure..The Nexus 7 Android 5.0 is buggier than I thought possible. Bad Google, bad!

Well, now there are numerous reasons why I haven't received my Android 5 OTA downgrade for my Nexus 7.

Yep. It is really awful. I was thinking about side loading the new OS, but I am certainly glad that I did not. I have said it before, and I will say it again, Microsoft has the least buggy mobile OS--save for perhaps Blackberry--in the very latest and greatest iteration.

If you are having issues with your N7 wi-fi let Google have it..or perhaps simply know about it.

This is really inexcusable. If I shipped a package as bug ridden as this, I would expect my customer to send it right back. Thankfully, that has never happened in 30 years of coding. Test everything under all available scenarios. I was once running six differently configured Windows VMs to test software prior to shipping.

Since the Chrome browser doesn't even get a passing grade, this is very ungood. There is a new release of Chrome that may play better with Anroid 5--as it has Material Design elements--but if so, that should have pushed out well in advance of the 5.0 release.

Apple and Google are really having issues. Applesauce..8.1.1 is a non-fix.

Surely these two tech. giants can do better than a team of three coders.

I am taking on an easy Android task. I am going to construct an icon set that hopefully won't suck. Any UI work that I engage in is never good enough, but I will be using as my goalpost the truly excellent Moonshine+ Launcher Theme. I will only shoot for 100 icons. I am going to leave the new Android Material Design icons essentially alone, save for a dew small tweaks that will be display more minimalistic than Mat. Des. icons. Three icone per day is my goal, so I will have my set done by the end of the year. I think I'll do all mine in 192x192px so they'll display well on most any screen. I have a cool hedgehog search icon done, but it is too busy for my Mat. Des. pack.

Ho hum. I am still waiting for my OTA update to Android 5. I would rather get a stable shiny new OS than a buggy one. After reading about iOS 8 and its need for updates every few days, patience is indeed a virtue. Apple is already up to 8.1.1 and no doubt, there will be more versions. I am certain that Android 5 will go through similar teething pains, so I do not rely on mobile devices to get real work done.

I am sort of ticked off about the XDA Developers Premium app that is taking seemingly forever to accept my new log-in creds. Yep. 'Twas my fault in that I changed my passwords whilst at breakfast, and figured I would kill off all app data while I was at it. I paid 0.99USD for the app. I expect results!

the website data and app data should sync momentarily.

I would buy LastPass for mobile if it was a one-time fee. A subscription based service is not for me. I think I'll crib my passwords in my tablet protector. I have another app that I paid for, but it is certainly not LastPass. These free for PC, pay for mobile apps are a pricing model that I just do not get. I have hundreds of passwords in my LP vault, but visit very few websites via mobile. Wolfram Alpha is likewise. Of course I can tote notebook and get full privileges of LP, and Wolfram Alpha, so it is truly no big deal.

I would buy Wolfram Alpha if Amazon Ppps store carried it, as I have enough coins to make the purchase. Meh. Too much whining