Monday, November 07, 2005

Lefty Resource Center, Etc.
I'm about to make about another change to the template. I'm putting the "Little Lefty Resource Center" in the left hand column (see bottom left).

Update: I've also just completed a few other minor tweaks for the sake of readability.

Three other minor things.

I'm on a link swapping drive. My Google PR is 5...not bad considering I took over a year off from actively blogging. So, if you've got a site that you think might be a match..or something cool, leave a comment, or drop me an email. Don't make me beg, dammit!

Secondly, Al Franken's new book, The Truth (with jokes) is a great listen..I have the audiobook. I suspect that the print version is a good read. Lots of good stuff in the book to use as a cudgel against Right-Wing BS.

Lastly, well, there is nothing more to say 'cept, "Happy Monday all!"

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