Friday, November 11, 2005

Dear Karl, GO AWAY!
Karl Christian(true, look it up) Rove made a slight move back into the quasi-public arena yes-Turd-ay according to WaPO.

The Bush senior adviser, and as yet unconvicted-for-any-crime-relating-to-the-outing-of-a-CIA-operative Rove spoke for an interminably long 20 minutes at a meeting(?) of the Federalist Society, AKA The Conservative Hair Club for Men.

Ever the spinner, Herr Rove indicted four Democratic Senators as being the chief architects in a strategy to sully the White House's good name - as well as obstructing justice Bush's judicial appointees. It's those evil Democrats behind everything. EVERYTHING!

Here's the red meat from the WaPo piece:
In his 20-minute speech, Rove singled out four Democratic senators who have strongly criticized the White House in the CIA leak probe and have been staunch opponents of some of the Bush administration's judicial selections. The four are Sens. Charles Schumer of New York, Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, Richard Durbin of Illinois and Patrick Leahy of Vermont.

Rove suggested the four Democrats have met their match in the conservative agenda of the Federalist Society.

"Who would have thought that the powerful members of the world's most exclusive club would be so threatened by a movement of competent, principle-driven egghead lawyers?" Rove said to laughter.

Rove in turn was the beneficiary of a Federalist Society attack on his opponents.

"Karl Rove has pursued conservative policies," said co-chairman David McIntosh. "He's come into the cross-hairs of criticism from the liberal establishment here in Washington.

When the establishment can't defeat the power of one's ideas, "they crank up the engine of personal attack in order to distract the leaders," McIntosh suggested.

Rove is under investigation for his involvement in leaking the identity of covert CIA officer Valerie Plame, and Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, I. Lewis Libby, is under indictment. Rove and Libby were involved in leaking Plame's identity to the news media.

"Everybody's presumed innocent until convicted and a mere investigation shouldn't hinder anyone's political activities," attorney Stephen Yelverton, a two-decade Federalist Society member, said of Rove's appearance.
So according to McIntosh, it's the 'liberal establishment' that has Rove on the stove. Who knew?

Improperly handling of classified information is a-okay with Fed Soc. ostensibly if one is only under investigation for crimes against America, rather than having been convicted of said crimes.

That is, or course, unless you are a powerful partisan right-wing idealogue, in which case your conviction only occurred as the end result of the machinations of a sinister cabal of the dreaded 'liberal establishment,' and not as the end result of jurisprudence. I think I have it right.

Now, as far as these lefty senators sabotaging Bush's nominees, that's all preaching to the choir. It has been well established that it was pressure from ultra-conservative groups that resulted in Ms. Miers withdrawing her name from consideration. In addition, Karl, McIntosh, and Yelverton, are most certainly aware of the fact that Bush has had a greater percentage of his nominees that reached the Senate floor for a vote confirmed than Clinton.

May they all hang the figurative sense.

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