Thursday, November 10, 2005

Holy Wardrobe Malfunction!
The LA Times, amongst others is reporting on a study conducted by Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation that confirms that sex sells. At least on TV.

The Times decided to run with racy headline: Television Awash in Sex, Study Says
The report says 70% of shows include sexual content. The number has risen over the years.(the use if the word 'risen' here is purely coincidental, I'm sure ;))

Let's jump right to the last few paragraphs of the piece where that protector of the Traditional American Family™ Tony Perkins of the reactionary Family Research Council reigns supreme. Here's Tony's take:
Still, Tony Perkins, president of the Washington-based Family Research Council, said the Kaiser study underscored the belief among many parents that television was having a coarsening effect on their kids.

"It's not the same today as when I was growing up and parents left their kids in front of the TV to watch 'Captain Kangaroo,' " Perkins said. "The sex depicted on television does have an effect on kids. If we are what we eat, then we become what we watch."
An odd, but expected obsevation. I know that after being raised on Warner Brothers cartoons, I have a penchant for violence - in particular for throwing coyotes into canyon basins.

There are literally a dozen or so great things for the quote miner to cherry-pick from the article. Go. Read. Learn. Laugh.

Hey, when you've got government officials lying through their teeth, a war going on, erosions of civil liberties, and a global environmental disaster taking place synchronously, it's time to change the subject to what really ails society(heavy sarcasm)

Captain Kangaroo scarred me for life. 'The Cap'n. taught tolerance and respect for others. All others. For this I shall never forgive the late Bob Keeshan - and don't even get me started on Fred Rogers ;)

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