Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Evolution: In and Out
In what seems to be a clear referendum against the notion of 'intelligent design'(ID does not make the grade as anything but fanciful thinking) the Dover, PA US school board was de-selected by the 'reality based Pennsylvania community.' All eight members up for re-election were defeated.

Background to this story can be found here.

In the other evolution vs. fantasy debate, The Kansas Board of Dis-Information Education voted 6-4 in favor of teaching students 'doubts' about evolution. Obviously, the Kansas Board is blissfully unaware that any real scientist has doubts about their field(s) of study. That's what drives science. Sure, some scientists are dogmatic in thier beliefs..And this is troubling, but others are watchful and impress their colleagues by admitting that they are wrong.

Evolutionary mechanisms are very much in debate. What is rarely debated in the scientific community is that evolution is both a theory and also a fact.

Two giant leaps for American students. One towards real discovery and critical thinking, and the other a dimming of the light that science gives us to make the most reasoned and best informed ideas about the universe in which we all live.

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