Monday, April 12, 2004

Semantic Antics

Dana Milbank, reporting for WaPo.
Bush, on a trip from his ranch here to nearby Fort Hood, said he is praying daily for fewer casualties in Iraq, where nearly 50 Americans have been killed in an uprising over the past week. But Bush said he sees no need for more troops and characterized the violence in Iraq as the work of "a few people" and "violent gangs."

"It was a tough week last week, and my prayers and thoughts are with those who paid the ultimate price for our security," Bush told reporters after praying with families of soldiers in Iraq. Asked whether the violence would ebb soon, he replied: "It's hard to tell. I just know this: that we're plenty tough and we'll remain tough."
Bush has been quoted as saying that he gets his news from his advisers, but can he really be this far out of the loop of current events?

I think we may need to redefine the following words in the following manner:

Few = Thousands (a "few people" do not typically take over three or four major cities)

Gang = Well Armed Private Militia See: Popular Uprising (gangs aren't known for providing services to people when an occupying force cannot)

We = Surrogates Sent by a President to do his Bidding

Maybe it's just me, but this sequence illustrates a Commander-in-Chief unconscionably out of touch with the reality on the ground.

Vacationing while you're private war rages uncontrollably? This man is not thinking.

Someone should let George know that prayer is no substitute for additional troops.

I wonder if Bush has heard the word "Mahdi?"

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