Sunday, April 11, 2004

Democracy Now!

If you can spare the time, Friday's edition of Democracy Now! is definitely worth a listen.

Included in Friday's show are two ex-CIA analysts, and reknowned whistle-blower Coleen Rowley. Sibel Edmonds makes a return visit, and none of the four have very flattering things to say about the Bush Administration. I have seen Ray McGovern, one of the ex-CIA agents, on PBS, and he seems a very 'straight shooter.'

Monica Gabrielle, member of the Family Steering Committee for the 9/11 Commission, Co-Chairperson of the Skyscraper Safety Campaign and a member of Member of Coalition of 9/11 Families and 9/11 Families for a Secure America chimes in with her own critique of the 9-11 Commission.

On a humorous note, a Washington state-based company that manufactures and sells bags around the world has a bit of fun with our Commander-in-chief. The company, Tom Bihn, is now selling bags with an inside label that carries instructions on washing and caring for the bags. Because the bags are sold in Canada, the instructions are also printed in French. The French version, however, contains an additional phrase that translated into English means, "We are sorry that our President is an idiot. We didn't vote for him."

I don't think that Bush is an idiot. He is, in my not so humble opinion, wholly unqualified to lead the nation, but that doesn't make him an idiot. I too, am wholly unqualified to lead this nation. But then, I KNOW I am not qualified to be pres-uh-dent. :)

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