Thursday, April 15, 2004

Out of the loop

I am so out of the loop right now. It's very sad ;) Because I've received some negative feedback as of late, I'm working on two new style sheets for the blog.

The first one, which I'm nearly finished, is for those that have observed that my blog is too dark. I think you'll like the results. I'm liking it very much....and I'm my own harshest critic.

The other stylesheet will give the blog a much more newspaper look. Not as fun, but industrial.

I have a newly worked out style-switcher in works in all JS capable browsers.

So, if you pop by say..On the 17th or 18th, you'll be able to view the blog in any of three styles.

I'll post some 'ouvelles de la politique' either later on this evening, or tomorrow.

If you can bear with my idiosyncrasies for another 48 hours, I think you'll like the new viewing options.

In the interim, if there is anything you are interested in and the usual suspects aren't bearing fruit..try News Now, the amazing UK news aggregation service.

One thing..I was just reading this CS Monitor piece, and while hand-wringing over just what label to apply to the utter chaos in Iraq, the writer, Jeffrey Shaffer fails to mention the most likely scenario.

It is becoming clearer with every passing hour that the Iraqi people are simply not going to sit idly by while the U.S - who is seen by many Iraqis as another repressive ruler - serves as a surrogate for Saddam. Iraqis want law and order. Being people with a sense of pride mixed with a healthy dose of outrage, they seem bent on pursuing whatever course allows them to be a free people.

You can forget about WMD. Everyone with any semblance of critical thinking skills and not ignorant of the situation knows that we lied our way into Iraq. The Iraqis are all too aware if this. Now we are killing them ofttimes without provocation. If what is happening over there was to happen here, I'd be an armed 'insurgent.' I think the term Mr. Shaffer is searching for is patriot.

The Iraqis are doing everything in their power to drive the invaders out. Sure it's tough to hear and watch, but turn the tables. What would you do? Anything and everything you could to drive out the occupiers. They drove out the British in the 1920s. Do not be surprised if history repeats itself.

Why do they hate us? I have no idea.

[Update: Since I posted the above, I have recieved some less than pleasant emails. To those of you that read that entire enrey and felt compelled to drop me a line, I do thank you. However, I must tell you that I am in no way condoning the atrocities being exacted upon by persons and/or groups within Iraq against any foreign persons. I am applying this to both indigenous persons as well as 'the coalition.' I was - and in hindsight can see how my entry may have engendered anger - simply trying to place myself inside Iraq as a common Iraqi. The U.S. invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq was and remains a breach of International law(see Richard Perle for details). The Iraqis no doubt see this as a war fought under a bogus pretext, and now view everything that the coalition does, and the IGC with skepticism if not outright cynicism. I still maintain that if the tables were turned, we would do likewise. Thank you.]

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