Monday, April 12, 2004

As Tony Turns

In this entry I linked to this CNN article concerning Scalia's lack of concern for our Constitution when he had two reporters erase their audio tapes of a speech he gave in Mississippi.

Well, it looks like that heroic defender of the Constitution has had a change of heart. (no doubt he'll be needing Jarvik's latest model soon..It's humor, folks)

Tony has graciously apologized to the two reporters and revised his stance on audio recordings of his speeches so that now we may be blessed with Scalia's words in print form only. Why the big deal? He's no one I'm rushing to listen to.

So, for you press types, you can make audio recordings of Tony's speeches, but may only reproduce them in print form. They are not for airing on television or radio(I suspect that the web is verboten as well).

A tragic loss to us all. ;)

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