Tuesday, February 24, 2004

So, Bush is out front with this asinine Marriage Definition Amendment Thingy

To me this undercuts the Constitution in the most fundamental of ways. I'm neither for nor against gay marriage. I am however, for providing every citizen that lives within our borders equal rights under the law. Marriage is a legal institution, not a religious one.

If you wish to argue otherwise, see any history of marriage. It wasn't until the 16th century that Cristianity got involved in the marriage process. Besides, atheists get marrried. :)

The Constitution was written so that majority rule would not override rule of law. This proposed amendment is likely to pass, but that does make it right nor fair. This is all about fairness and equality. In Bush's world, some are more fair and equal than others. The Constitution has been interpreted clearly to protect those that have no other advocacy.

This is pure campaign posturing, with Bush is preaching to the choir, because he has no record to run on.

Today we'll rail against gays marrying. Whose turn will it be tomorrow?

Jeezus..America under Bush. How very sad.

This can't be allowed to happen again.

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