Thursday, February 26, 2004

Dean is Back.

Howard Dean that is. I think it's great that the Dean organization is alive.

Here are the bits you need to know:
The former Vermont governor said the Democratic Party should "not paper over its differences with the most radical administration in our lifetime," according to remarks prepared for delivery Thursday to supporters in New Haven, Conn.

"In order to win, the Democratic Party must aggressively expose the ways in which George W. Bush's policies benefit the privileged and the most extreme ideologues," said Dean, who plans to start a political organization that will promote grass-roots democracy and support candidates who favor progressive policies such as universal health care.

Dean plans to announce details about the organization March 18.

Dean also urged his supporters to stay with the Democratic Party and warned them not to be tempted by independent or third-party candidates, a reference to Ralph Nader's independent run for president.

"I will do everything I can to ensure that the 2004 Democratic nominee runs as a true progressive, as a champion of working Americans and their hopes for a better future," Dean said. "Because -- I will say it again -- that is the way to win in 2004."
More at link

So, it looks like the good doctor is forming some sort of anti-Bush organization. I must agree with his assessment that Bush's presidency has been the most radical in our lifetime. It'll be interesting to see what Dean is cooking up.

If this was truly a functional democracy, Bush -- if he had been elected -- would be out of office by now. There is just way too much smoke for there not to be a fire somewhere. From pre 9/11 intelligence to the Plame Wilson affair, this is a White house shrouded in secrecy. Soft-pedaling and stonewalling at every conceivable opportunity is beneath what is owed the American people.

On Iraq alone, one can see mis-steps, obfuscations, cherry-picked intelligence, and a total lack of concern for the 'liberated' Iraqis. Bush may even believe much of what he says, and he is entitled to his own opinions. He is not however, entitled to his own facts.

I wish Howard well.

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