Monday, February 23, 2004

Bush on Defensive Already

He can't run on the issues, because he'll lose.

He can't run on his character, because he'll lose.

So what does he do? He takes his case to Republican governors. I like this line:

"He will take on his critics and their backward-looking, failed ideas that would derail our economic recovery and weaken our ability to fight and win the war on terror," said Mr Bush's campaign manager, Ken Mehlman. "The President is going to talk about the choice."

So, Bush is going to talk honestly about his economic plan..deficits as far as can be forecast? Record trade deficits? And he's going to hail our little Iraqi excursion that promises to cost a half-a-trillion-dollars as his accomplishments?

Lovely. The GOP's biggest fear must be a knowledgeable electorate.

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