Monday, February 23, 2004

I've waited all day to find some sort of confirmation that our policy hacks are taking the Pentagon's climate issue seriously. Of course, it's the Foreign press that leads the way. The BBC:
Most US policymakers do accept that climate change is a significant threat, a leading British scientist believes. Professor John Schellnhuber, of the University of East Anglia, said he thought about 80% of senior politicians recognised the danger "in principle".

He said he thought this consensus would eventually lead to a change in policy by President Bush's administration.

Professor Schellnhuber was among a UK scientific delegation which held talks on climate recently in Washington DC.[snip]

Professor Schellnhuber said: "We spoke to the Congressional scientific committee, and my feeling is that in principle 80% of the people in Washington who are really informed feel dramatic climate change is a major threat.

Scary quotes below!

"The administration is a prisoner of its own determination not to do anything that would affect the lifestyle of US citizens.

"Perhaps, in a parallel with its stance on Iraq, it has chosen a certain position and will now not alter it for fear of losing face.

"I don't think the US public and policymakers will be happy to go on with a business-as-usual approach for the next five years.

"I'm a scientist, not a politician. But I think the political elite understands pretty well what is going on, and the administration will eventually change."

Go. Read. Be informed!

This should be THE DEFINING ISSUE of all time, and for all time. I have commented, or written 28 articles on environmental change since I started writing regularly in this blog in Dec. 2003. Everything else is temporal. The Dems would slaughter Bush on this issue. I certainly hope that our politicos remove their heads from their posteriors and start funding things that really matter. I do my bit.

Hold your elected officials accountable. For your children's sake. And their children's sake ad infinitum.

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