Sunday, December 21, 2003

Just a thought. Bill O'Reilly has committed himself to admitting on his television show on Fox, that he was wrong about Iraq and WMD. I think it's time that Bill swallow his pride and admit that he was wrong. Dead wrong. The warbloggers should admit this as well.

I am not a journo type(this should be abundantly clear from my lack of writing skill), but I am an MSEE, and being scientifically inclined, I must always weigh the evidence from the viewpoint of a skeptic. The evidence that the media felt was, "strong" and "compelling," I found to be lacking. Hussein's regime made a declarative statement that they were not harboring "WMD" and from that point on, it was the US Administration's duty to show real evidence to refute this claim. They simply did not. I am most certainly not a Hussein apologist, and I recall both Secretary of State Colin Powell, and National Security Advisor, Dr. Condoleezza Rice stating flatly during press conferences prior to 9/11, that, and I'll paraphrase, "Iraq is no threat to its neighbors or to the wider world, and that Iraq's WMD programs that existed prior to the Gulf War have been destroyed. There is no evidence that Iraq has restarted these programs."

It is obvious as to why they later made 180 degree statements counter to these earlier claims. It was simple political
leveraging. The Bush Administation needed to have both of these people on board, and they sullied their reputations by putting party over all else.

Hence from my standpoint, it was, and still is, incumbent on the administration to find WMD, and if not, to explain why they have not been found. No more stonewalling.

Same with the 9/11 evidence.

Same with Cheney's Energy Task Force documents.

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