Saturday, December 27, 2003

About your humble author:

I am a caucasian male living in New Hampshire.

I am not particularly fond of any particular political party. I am vehemently anti-lie, anti-propaganda and pro-democracy. I am fond of using hyphens :)

I have a Master's of Science in Electronic Engineering, and my area of expertise is semi-conductor gate design/process.

I have two cats and two turtles.

I dragrace two motorcycles. One is also streetable. My drag only bike is a Suzuki GS1150 Based turbocharged 1428cc small tire(8" slick) with 260 Rear Wheel Horsepower. In a PMFR chassis it runs low 7 second quarter miles at my local track. New England Dragway. My street bike is a ZX-12R based rocket. It is now a 1270cc w/ a hidden nitrous oxide injection system. HP figures are 202hp no nitrous, 325 RWHP nitrous and pump gas, 405RWHP race gas(VP c-16). Yes, I am crazy.

I'll add to this list of things as I think of stuff. Or get really pissed off about the nature of things.

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