Friday, December 26, 2003

Indigenous Terrorists

Atlanta man killed in road rage incident on Gulf Coast highway

OCEAN SPRINGS, Miss. -- An Atlanta man died of a gunshot wound Thursday after his car was fired upon by occupants of another vehicle on Interstate 10 on the Gulf Coast.

Sgt. Joe Gazzo of the Mississippi Highway Patrol identified the victim as 40-year-old Datel Ghanshyam. Four other family members, all adults, were unhurt, Gazzo said.

Gazzo said Ghanshyam and his family arrived in Biloxi on Wednesday to go to the casinos.

About 7 a.m. Thursday, Gazzo said they left casinos, getting back on I-10 East in Ocean Springs. Soon after they merged onto the highway, a small, blue imported car with a loud, large aftermarket muffler, came up alongside the family, repeatedly swerving close to them, then getting in front of them and slowing down.

"Harassing them with actions of the car, you could say," Gazzo said.

Gazzo said witnesses told investigators that one of the occupants of the harassing car then got on a cell phone and apparently called another vehicle, a brown sports utility vehicle, which pulled alongside the Atlanta family and opened fire with an automatic weapon.

Gazzo said the family's vehicle was hit eight times. He said one of the shots hit Ghanshyam under the arm, killing him instantly.

The other occupants were able to get the vehicle off the road safely.

Gazzo said state troopers are investigating but have no suspects or motive in the incident.

"We're going to look at all the possibilities," Gazzo said. "The only thing we ruled out is it was not because of winnings at the casino. Our first thought was maybe someone hit a big jackpot and they were followed out, but that was not the case."

Road Rage? I hardly think so. This is a case of pre-meditation. This incident, a slap in the face to most of America, brings to the fore a couple of things.

1) Mr. Ghanshyam was most likely a swarthy male, that the fringe right has tacitly declared open season on...Thank you Ann Coulter and Co.

2) Where is the FBI and/or the ATF in all of this? We have the perpetrators using fully automatic weapons on a victim that is most likely only guilty of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Justice in America. If this was a case of a Mr. Smith, Christian* being horrifcally gunned down whilst his family watched, the outcry for justice would be loud and incessant.

*I'm playing the media/politico game here. Using a logical fallacy to draw untoward attention to an as yey established point. That's all. I know I'm doing it.

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