Tuesday, December 23, 2003

In the, "Truth is Stranger than Fiction" category, once again those wacky spin-meisters at the White House have done it again. This page, with the oddly un-Christian title: A Season of Stories, offers these nuggets of wisdom:

This year’s holiday theme combines the wonder of the season with the magic of those classic children’s stories that have captured our hearts and shaped American culture. Just like the holidays, great stories have a way of bringing families together.

On winter nights, children enjoy curling up with a loved one for cocoa and a story. And parents beam with excitement when their children unwrap a new book which just happens to be one of their childhood favorites.

Since stories bring us together, we’ve brought some favorite children’s storybook characters to the White House to celebrate the holidays. Our thanks to the Executive Residence staff members who recreated the characters. And special thanks to the authors and illustrators who have given us the stories we celebrate.

There are also links to such treats as, "BarneyCam II", and a compassionate conservative moment with "Barney & Spot's Winter Wonderland"(an obvious homosexual tryst) as well as, Secretary Ann Veneman's reading of "Auntie Claus," "a celebration of alternative lifestyles", and a personal favorite; Treasury Secretary Snow's reading of, "Olive, the Other Reindeer" ..I'm still scratching the noodle over the train conductor's selection. Wouldn't a quick reading from "The Little Engine That Could" be more appropriate?

Secretary Snow is truly a man of firm convictions that celebrates human diversity.

All of the above are streamed in RealMedia, bringing the White House and staff right to your home.

My pick as a must see, however is Herr Rove's RealMedia Tour de Force, "Santa's New Reindeer". Multimedia never looked so good.

Please visit the page. There is much more than I have touched upon here. This Administration is truly one of inclusion.

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