Monday, December 05, 2005

Missing Post Message
Just a note on my missing environmental posts. There are 4..Yes, 4!

Since I am 9mi.(14.5Km) from my source material, and my employer(the bastids!) probably feels that it is more important to have me here working on arcane mathematics than blogging, it may be a day before I can get them rewritten and posted.

I checked all the usual suspects in Blogger/Pyra/Google and they are simply not there. They did publish as advertised(according to the software), but alas no confirming evidence remains.

Woe is me. I'll not complain though, as this gives me time to really put down my thoughts in good order.

If this post seems like a lot of blather, I understand. However, the environment is the most important issue, political or not facing all of us today.

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