Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Condi Unedited
Speaking in Germany earlier today, Dr. Rice cast this pearl of wisdom:
"We recognise any policy will sometimes result in errors, and when it happens, we will do everything we can to rectify it."
She was of course responding to allegations of torture and secret CIA prisons.

I needn't go through the litany of errant policies put forth by the Bush administration that have not been addressed.

I think I should inform the reader that I have nothing personal against Ms. Rice. It's simply the fact that she is part of the Bush cabal that has done such a miserable job at governing this country over the last five years.

I'm pretty certain that she's smart enough to do a good job as Sec. of State, but she seems to have no will of her own. She is a hopeless partisan.

All one need do is read her testimony bfore the 9/11 Commission when she was Bush's National Security Advisor to see that she has issues with straight talk, but not toeing scripted lines.

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