Monday, December 05, 2005

Legal Parsing, Courtesy of Condi
WaPo just released the transcript of Ms. Rice's pre-flight 'remarks.'

Again, she presses the fear button, and there is a lot more here than in the WaPo summary below.

It appears that her trip will consist of a re-definition of torture, and why we have to breach international law in order to get the bad guys.

By all appearances she'll also trot out a minor revision of the "you're either with us or against us in the fight against terror" balloon first uttered by GWB in November of 2001.

In all, it appears that she'll do her job as National Propandist, and toe the Cheney line.

Don't take my word for it. Read her statemant and make up your own minds.

You can't be concerned with the old, tired concepts on international law when there are bad guys out there.

Update: Time has just weighed in with far less than what we've given you. However, the most unflattering photo of Ms. Rice is sure to bring comment.

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