Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Behind the Curve
As you're likely aware, the 'National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States' AKA the '9/11 Commission,' recently issued a report giving the US preparedness against a future terrorist attack a series of grades. Your leadership has failed you....Miserably.

The LA Times provides lots of detail while we steal the report card. The grades are:

A minus: Making efforts with other countries to crack down on terrorist financing.

B: Finding a balance at home between security and civil liberties.

C: Getting private businesses to be prepared to respond in case of an emergency.

D: Making improvements in screening checked bags and cargo on flights.

F: Helping emergency agencies acquire radios and other equipment that would let them communicate with each other during a disaster.

Incomplete: Revamping the CIA, including improvements in its use of human intelligence operations.
Thank you, Bush voters.

On a happier note, as widely reported, the ban on certain sharp objects allowed in air travel has been lifted by the Transportation Security Administration Ironic, no?

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