Monday, December 05, 2005

All Humor is Political
Today's pic. begging for a caption comes courtesy of Time magazine online. Please do not take this the wrong way. All I'm trying to allude to here is why the US has to jettison our Sec. of State to Europe looking a bit forlorn.

The evidence:Link to Photo

Can't we afford to give Condi a makeover? From her deeply furrowed brow to her, bloodshot eyes, through to her petroleum stained bicuspids(or is that from 'chewing?') the woman just looks worn out.

My take. We'll spend a half-tillion dollars fighting wars of 'option'. We'll provide billions in tax relief for corporations sending jobs overseas, but we can't get our ambassador of good-will a decent tooth whitening? This is simply unacceptable.

Kee-rist, Bush sent her over to Europe to assuage their fears that we're a band of torturers. The man should have saved a grand to get her a proper look for a diplomat.

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