Sunday, June 27, 2004

Serbia to be Privatized?

Yoo-Essay Today is reporting that "pro-democracy" candidate Boris Tadic has won the Serbian presidential race.

Here's a tiny bit:
The presidential vote was seen crucial to whether Serbia moves closer to the European Union and NATO or sinks back into the nationalist isolation reminiscent of Milosevic's autocratic regime.

Three previous attempts to elect a president since 2002 failed because too few voters showed up at the polls. This vote was certain to produce a president regardless of the turnout, after Parliament earlier this year scrapped a 50% turnout requirement.
Articles like this are fun. They don't tell the reader anything..Or do they?

U.S. Americans equate democracy with capitalism. Pro-democracy means opening up of Serbian markets to multi-national corporate interests. Yes, this is a very wrong way to define democracy, but it is the one that U.S. Americans have been indoctrinated to believe.

Real democracy isn't something that is in the interest of the ruling class. In privatized America, we are conditioned that the "social contract" is a bad thing, and that the Fortune 500's interests are our interests.

30 years of corporatist propaganda has been so effective that legions of people vote for candidates that stand for a platform that is in direct opposition to their own best interests. In fact, if you ask them about American propaganda, they'll either deny its existence, or claim that they're not affected by it.

Okay, I'm back. I was away for a while, but I'm back. It's that the perversion of the word democracy in our society is so damned pervasive.

Democracy does not equate to capitalism in practice. In fact, there is every reason to believe that the two are mutually exclusive.

The 'free-marketers' in this country, and around the world, have concentrated wealth and power for themselves while increasing levels of poverty for virtually everyone else. This is capitalism in practice. Is this democracy?

If you believe it to be so, then it follows that your vote is given equal weight to that of Bill Gates or Warren Buffett. If you believe this, then I have a series of experienced bridges that you might be interested in...Have a look. :)

No, this is not a Democrat versus Republican issue. Bill Clinton mined silicon valley for money like no other before him, and W..Well, there is hardly need for comment.

Okay, I'm back. I was away for a while, but I'm back. It's that the perversion of the word democracy in our society is so damned pervasive, and it irritates me like few things.

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