Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Bush Numbers at New Low

A new NYT/CBS Poll finds Bush at the lowest numbers of his presidency.

Lots of interesting stuff here.

I think that there is little doubt that Bush will get a short term bounce due to the Iraqi 'transfer of sovereignty.'

As has been the case in recent polls, Kerry doesn't appear to be benefiting from Bush's ground-scraping numbers.

A telling item from the poll is this:
In Mr. Kerry's case, 36 percent said they had no opinion of him, despite the campaign's record-setting expenditure on television advertisements. That figure is fairly typical for challengers at this point in the campaign; in June 1992, 44 percent of the public did not have an opinion of Bill Clinton.
The electorate is truly asleep.

If you want to view the NYT poll data without registering, just paste the following URL into your address box: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/06/29/politics/campaign/29POLL.html?ex=1089086400&en=bf69cb72a2827a2e&ei=5062&partner=GOOGLE

You really should read the piece.

My favorite bit is "Americans were more likely to believe that Mr. Bush would do a better job than Mr. Kerry would in steering the nation through a foreign crisis," and I think it likely more people that think that Bush would be the most likely to foment the "foreign crisis." :)

Read, Learn. Know stuff. Be cool.

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