Tuesday, June 29, 2004

The Post Carbon World

This is amongst the most important post you may ever read. I'm not kidding.

"Saudi oil finance ministers and their U.S. counterparts... lined up to say that the industrial world has nothing to worry about on the oil front for decades. That so many high-ranking Saudi and US officials should gather in public to tell us not to worry should be quite worrisome." - Julian Darley

Oil. How much is really left? What are the viable alternatives? What can we do?

Can industrial society survive or is the "party" over?

I have resources.

Audio interview courtesy of Unwelcome Guests

Hour 1 Hour 2

Julian Darley's Post Carbon Institute website.

Global Public Media's multimedia archive of talks and discussions regarding energy.

At the very least, spend the two hours and listen to the audio interviews. It'll inspire you and or frighten you. Maybe a little fright is just what we need to awake from our collective slumber.

Get out there and stir it up!

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