Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Chavez Has Our Oil

Hugo can't be allowed be saying things like:
"Iraqi oil should be handled by the Iraqi people. Otherwise it would be going back 200 years, and I don't want to think that the new century is beginning with colonialism."
The Venezuelan president is already(still?) being demonized in Washington and it's not impossible that Chavez might receive an acute, fatal case of lead poisoning courtesy of the U.S. national security state.

I like the following: "if things do not develop in a positive way ... you are going to see the United States taking a more proactive role." So said an unnamed diplomat regarding Chavez's alleged refusal to hold elections.

More proactive role? I'll ask Don Vito Corleone for a translation.

Chavez is a real problem for the U.S. He was democratically elected, is pro-Castro and of course, Venezuela has oil. Talk about a dilemma.

His reforms seem to be helping the poor. Egads! A monster!

The Bush administration has already supported a short-lived coup d'etat against Chavez, and the recycled Reaganites in the administration purportedly support democracy - yet there is precious little evidence to support that policy declaration.

We know what this gang did in Latin America during the Reagan years. That didn't strike me as what I would call democratic reform.

The U.S. is willing to accept open markets sans democracy, but does not appear to be willing to allow democracy without markets open to U.S. corporate interests.

He'll likely be okay as long as the oil tap remains open.

Should the crude stop flowing out of Venezuela, I fear that the U.S. may do something crude - and all too familiar - to Chavez.

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