Saturday, May 01, 2004

Planet Bush

The first paragraph of Bush's weekly radio address is illuminating.

Without further ado:
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. A year ago, I declared an end to major combat operations in Iraq, after coalition forces conducted one of the swiftest, most successful and humane campaigns in military history. I thanked our troops for their courage and for their professionalism. They had confronted a gathering danger to our nation and the world. They had vanquished a brutal dictator who had twice invaded neighboring countries, who had used weapons of mass destruction against his own people, and who had supported and financed terrorism. On that day, I also cautioned Americans that, while a tyrant had fallen, the war against terror would go on.

Miltary campaigns are now "humane?" You gotta be kidding me.

Saddam was "a gathering danger to our nation and the world." No. He was not. Bush, and anyone with adequate knowledge of the pertinient sets of data knows this. Sheesh.

"They had vanquished a brutal dictator" O - M - G Saddam is at large. Odd use of tense there.

Just what type of terrorism did Hussein 'support?' What did this 'support' consist of? Financial support? Pure bs.

Iraq was and is not only a major diversion on the "WoT," it has been a real gift to anti-U.S. groups - whatever their background.

Let's drop any pretense that Saddam was anything but 'our guy' in the region until he invaded Kuwait. He was a CIA asset from 1958-1990.

He waged war against the Iranians with chemical weapons with our covert blessing. During Reagan's terms while Saddam was gassing Iranians, an anonymous inside source told the New York Times that the Pentagon "wasn't so horrified by Iraq's use of gas. It was just another way of killing people — whether with a bullet or phosgene, it didn't make any difference."

What Bush is selling, I'm not buying. I already picked some up to fertilze my lawn - I'm set for a year.

Just when will the lies and distortions stop?

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