Sunday, April 25, 2004

Christian Science?

The name Christian Science Monitor evokes in me the long shadows that Christianity has cast over the pursuit of science since Galileo's time.

That was just a personal anecdote. Sorry.

It's the fine paper with the odd name.

There are three very worthy pieces that the CS Monitor just published on their website.

The illusions of equality that the military draft connotes

A possible re-think of the resumption of the seige of Fallujah

Reality trumping ideology in remaking the Middle-East into a bastion of representative democracy

All of these are really good.

The last one illustrates what is very wrong with the thinking process of a person like Bush. Condi Rice claims that Mid-East reform is the golden ring in Bush's mind's eye. But the reality on the ground is that this image is rapidly escaping. Can Bush adjust to the new reality? Maybe. But his 'stay the course at all costs' rigidity of thinking is not what is required. This is, in my opinion, a huge liability.

No articles about a flat-Earth here :) All good stuff. I promise.

Postscript: Bush can change his 'mind.' He has done so over the Israeli/Palestinian issue. Am I the only person that thinks it more than a little odd that the most vexing issue in the Mid-East is the one that Bush has devoted the least amount of time to? Now that's a real liability that the most casual observer should note. Heck, I did.

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