Monday, April 26, 2004

Blogging report

Over the next few days, say until Thursday, I'm going to be making but one or two entries per day. I am on work overload. I'll be posting around 7:00PM Eastern U.S. time. I do have one odd item for now. Without further ado:

Reuters is reporting, or not reporting, on the possible existence of Iraqi aircraft specifically fitted to deliver chemical payloads to Israel.

Of course there have been no modified aircraft found, nor any plans for aircraft that I'm aware of. Hence, this 'report' from a single Israeli military source can only be added to the mountains of mythology surrounding the Iraqi illicit weapons programs.

The usual line that the illicit weapons were transferred to Syria, and or buried, is revisited.

At some point the media has to start treating these spurious, single-source allegations with proper skepticism. After all, it is largely media complicity that garnered wide U.S. public support for the Iraq war. The media's hands are not without blood.

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