Friday, April 30, 2004

The Bulletin

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has another fascinating, albeit frightening look at the state of nuclear clean-up.

These "tank-farm workers" aren't employed at your local agricultural cooperative. These people are working at a site that produced 54.5 metric tons of plutonium for use in nuclear weapons.

I'm not going to expound futher on the potential, and realized hazards these workers face. It's up to you to click on the link and go get a crash course in the state of nuclear site clean-up - the article focuses on the Hanford, WA site, but it apllies elsewhere.


Before I get mail about the treatment of Iraqi POWs at Abu Ghraib prison, I am aware of the atrocities, and I can't add anything substantive to the conversation. I'm too angry to be anything remotely approaching ration.

Here's a link to the British response to the tortures.

One last thing, I am also aware and appalled that the Sinclair Broadcast Group has Nixed the airing of tonight's Nightline. Without a free and unencumbered press, we cease to be a democracy. That transformation began a long time ago. The corporatists are winning. But I still have faith in our ability to effect change.

A link detailing the Sinclair/Nightline flap.


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