Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Lest you think Mr. Bush isn't a fearful man, read:
"My administration looked at the intelligence information and we saw danger. "Members of Congress looked at the same intelligence, and they saw danger. The United Nations Security Council looked at the intelligence, and it saw danger."

Looks like today's vocabulary word is "danger."

I guess danger is a relative thing. Most accidents occur in the home. In the bathroom in fact. That doesn't stop anyone from ummm...I hope it doesn't.

I don't make this stuff up, folks.

President Bush spoke those words to a Guard Unit headed to Baghdad today.

Uninterestingly, he also quipped:
He also revived his assertion that Iraq had become "the central front in the war on terrorism," citing the interception of a letter that American officials have concluded was written by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian who has long been under scrutiny by the United States for suspected ties to Al Qaeda.

I'm really wondering if this man is stable. Iraq is now the 'central front on the war on terrorism?" Aren't we supposed to giving these folks their independence on 30 June of this year? Maybe I'm the one not thinkng clearly. Nah. I'm not.

Bush fears regular people. That's where the real danger lies...no pun intended.

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