Wednesday, February 18, 2004

It's now -- realistically -- a race between Kerry and Edwards. There isn't a whole lot of policy difference between the two. I'd say it's more of an issue of geography than anything else. Kerry has shown strength in the South, while Edwards was strong in Wisconsin. So both have proven that they can win in each other's backyards. I think that Edwards jobs/protectionism hammering got him the votes in Wisconsin.

There is, of course a problem with this approach. It's one of dissonance between reality and rhetoric. GATT and NAFTA aren't likely to disappear. So what are some commonsense solutions to attenuate the 'outsourcing' issue. I'd say that it is limited to job retraining at this juncture. Other countries aren't going to be seeking dramatic increases in pay for their workers. If they do, than there is always someone who'll do it cheaper. I see this as a very long term issue. Enough bout that.

I'm going to speculate about the rest of the primaries. Kerry is likely to win the coasts. That should wrap it up for him. Edwards will do well in heartland.

A Kerry/Edwards ticket looks to be a good bet at this juncture.

Note: If commonsense truly was, we'd all be a lot better off than at present.

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