Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Google: Inconsistent

Editor & Publisher notes:Google Drops Activist Group's Ads Now this, in and of itself is no big issue. Here's the bit(with context) that I find controversial:
Oceana, a 2 1/2-year-old nonprofit group, said Google dropped the text-based ads displayed in shaded boxes along the right side of its Web page because they were critical of Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines.

Washington D.C.-based Oceana believes Royal Caribbean pollutes the oceans by improperly treating the sewage on its ships. It hoped to publicize its complaints by paying to have its ads appear when terms like "cruise vacation" and "cruise ship" were entered into Google's search engine.

The ad, which said "Help us protect the world's oceans," appeared for two days last week before Google pulled it from its page.

When Oceana challenged the ban, Mountain View, Calif.-based Google responded with an e-mail advising the group that it doesn't accept ads with "language that advocates against Royal Caribbean."

Oceana's ad didn't mention Royal Caribbean directly, but the link directed Google visitors to a Web page critical of the Miami-based cruise line.

The decision stunned Oceana because it reeked of censorship and favoritism, said Andrew Sharpless, the group's chief executive.

"We were surprised because the answer they gave certainly raises the question whether they got a phone call from Royal Caribbean," Sharpless said Thursday. "We can't prove that, but it certainly smells that way."

Both Google and Royal Caribbean denied there was any pressure applied to remove the Oceana ad.

Google's policy prohibits ads criticizing other groups or companies, said spokeswoman Cindy McCaffrey. "We do reserve the right to exercise editorial discretion when it comes to the advertising we accept on our site," she said.

Oh really? The policy would not allow an ad that tells atheists that they are going to hell unless they accept christ, would it not? The answer must be yes, the ad would be disallowed as being critical of people who place reason over 2,000 year old myths.

Go to Google, and type in 'atheism' as a search term. The second ad is for this page on Its message is pretty clear. Convert to the one true religion, or you're going straight to hell. If you have a good scientific background, the entire site is a hoot.

It seems plausible that Google was 'talked to' by Royal Carribean.

I think hell is going to be cool.

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