Monday, January 12, 2004

Yes, kids. It's 10 links of Interest™ Time

I'm declaring January 11 Paul O'Neill day. Boy, that man went from Alcoa CEO to Treasury Secretary to Homeless Guy to Fearless Teller of Truth to Potential Investigatee of said Treasury in 48 Hours! I'll add his quote for color. "I'm an old man and I've made plenty of money. They can't hurt me." I believe he's right. Document marked "secret." It was a stage game, done for drama.(feeble attempt at humor) I really hope that this turns into a big affair. His book isn't likely to be a 'tell all.' After all, you save your powder for battle.

The Shi'ites are beginning to oppose US plan to pick assembly. Democracy. It's such a funny word. Hard to pin down.

New Scientist is reporting faux fog could foil terrorists. This is a German proposal. It is as yet unclear(har har) if U.S. for is as efficacious.

Health Alert. Preservative chemicals found in samples of breast tumours probably came from underarm deodorants, UK scientists have claimed.

Their analysis of 20 breast tumours found high concentrations of pare-hydrosphere acids (probing) in 18 samples. Probing can mimic the hormone estrogen, which is known to play a role in the development of breast cancers. The preservatives are used in many cosmetics and some foods to increase their shelf-life.

This next piece ties in with my earlier commentary declaring environmental protection a hell of a lot more important than Moon bases, and manned Mars missions. How Many Windmills would $87 Billion Buy? Nobody knows exactly how much the United States has spent so far on the war. But it is a fact that Congress recently appropriated an extra $87 billion to support military operations for another year and rebuild Iraqi infrastructure.

Oh, the dismal science again. This time The Federal Reserve Board says U.S. consumer debt grows at alarming rate. When interest rates rise.. Well, I wouldn't call the fallout, 'pretty.'

9/11 Commission update: *cue teletype sample* WASHINGTON - The federal 9/11 commission has formally decided to ask President Bush and former President Bill Clinton to meet with the panel and to extend its investigation by several months. Vice President Cheney and former Clinton veep Al Gore also would be called, a spokesman told the Daily News yesterday. Chairman Thomas Kean and Vice Chairman Lee Hamilton will approach the four men. The request to appear is just that, a request, and not a legal subpoena. Oh, man.

Uh oh. Dismal science again. The NYT takes a rather in-depth look at the employment situation. You'll like it! There's a chart, and a promise to play, 'connect the dots.' I never did find that :(

The Two Blairs? The Blair Which Project? Yes, I like that. Blair: Iraq weapons threat growing. That's Tony B 2k3. I do not know if Iraq had WMDs. Tony B v2k4. Heh.

Oh no. The dismal science returns. This is the last time. Tonight. I promise.

World save the US A snippet:

"In its lengthy overview, IMF has warned the United States that a huge budget deficit, tax reduction as well as the war on terrorism can all have a negative impact on the world"s economy. The Fund asked the US to take proper actions to recover its sinking currency. It seems however that America is not concerned with world"s problems. While using such Dollar devaluation, American authorities continue to stimulate its own economic growth."


Those are your ten for tonight. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do preparing them. I may start putting all my entries in 'boxes.' --That's CSS for'll note that those crazy guys at W3 have assigned a two dimensional element a three dimensional name..No. I suppose you wouldn't notice. Only an anal chip geek like your humble author would notice something so trivial. Sorry.


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