Sunday, January 11, 2004

pure bs speculation:

Re: VP Cheney's Energy Policy Documents and related material.

*dons moonbat conspiracy tin helmet with eider earflaps* (I'm in frigid NH, you know)

I have been wondering about what it is in Cheney's Energy Policy Documnts that could be so damning to the Teflon Administration™. I may have just crossed that line..(in my case, it's a four lane highway) that seperates the patients from the doctors.

I like to keep pure bs as free from speculation as possible, but indulge me.

It now appears likely that Bush had designs on Iraq since before his inauguration. "This guy tried to kill my dad." --GW Bush

If this is the case, and Cheney would be well inside the loop on this, it is possible that the stonewalling has something to do with post Iraq invasion/occupation. Taken a step further, (pulls helmet lower) it is possible that a word or two of this is mentioned somewhere within those documents. Perhaps even how U.S. oil interests might be serverd in a post Saddam Iraq.

This would certainly be a damn good reason to keep those documents away from even a lapdog press such as ours. Stranger things have happened. I think it's going to get weirder still.

Of course there are other reasons as well. Anything Enron is sure to go over like a lead balloon.

*removes moonbat conspiracy tin helmet with eider earflaps*

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