Monday, January 12, 2004

Blair Caught up in WMD shitstorm

Blair: I do not know if Iraq had WMDs


Key points
• Tony Blair was unsure when asked whether he accepted his statement that Iraq had WMD capable of being fired within 45 minutes was wrong
• The PM's position has been shifting since July last year; he is now looking for "clandestine operations" in Iraq - rather than weapons themselves
• Claims that the Iraqi Survey Group had found "clandestine laboratories" were recently dismissed as a "red herring" by US administrator in Iraq Paul Bremer

Key quote
"In the 23 months I was there, I never saw anything that I would characterise as evidence of weapons of mass destruction," he told Time magazine. Paul O’Neill, former US treasury secretary.

Story in full: TONY Blair has admitted that he does not know whether Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction at the time of the Iraq war, and is no longer confident of finding any.

The Prime Minister has also said he was looking for evidence of "clandestine operations" in Iraq - backing down from his earlier pledge that weapons programmes would be found rather then weapons themselves.

He also left doubt hanging over whether he will lead the Commons debate on the forthcoming Hutton Report or whether one of his ministers will be sent to do battle with Michael Howard, the Conservative leader. Enough rope to hang himself here.

I think that the Brits will have none of there shenanigans, and if American's care about our democracy, we shouldn't either.

It wasn't an especially good week for the Bushies and their lackeys. Rush Limbaugh had a typical rant stating that the "Carnegie Endowment for International Peace" was a 'leftist organization' while carefully not attempting to refute any of their findings. "It's politics" Limbaugh decries. This is pretty funny coming from one of the lamest, yet partisan, 'political commentators.' Hypocrisy thy name is Limbaugh.

This week should prove to be interesting indeed.

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