Friday, January 16, 2004

No ten links o' fun tonight :(

I'm a slacker. No 10 links tonight. I'll shoot for fifteen on both Saturday and Sunday. As you can see, I'm messing with a new look for the blog. It works as advertised in Gecko engined browsers, Mozilla, NS6+, Firebird(my personal fav) and should in the others. I have an I.E. bug. if you hover(mouseover) a link in the main page body, you'll note that the text jumps left. This is not, I repeat NOT a feature.

I looked at my code, and yes it is still something of a mess, as I add and remove features, but I cannot fathom why I.E. is exhibiting this behavior. I suspect that it may be related to the script for either the permalink, or Haloscan's commenting.

This only started when I went to the box model to enclose the entries. I'll figure it out. I always do. I did add a search function today, as well as the misbehaving box model, so it wasn't a total waste, just a less than fully productive day.

Ciao for now..your humble blogger,


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