Saturday, December 03, 2005

Radio Bush: Deconstructed
Let's get right to it
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Earlier this week I visited Arizona and Texas to observe firsthand our efforts to protect our southwest border. And I met with customs and border protection agents who are working tirelessly to enforce our laws and keep our borders secure.

Illegal immigration and border security are issues that concern Americans. We're a nation built on the rule of law, and those who enter the country illegally break the law. In communities near our border illegal immigration strains the resources of schools, hospitals, and law enforcement. And it involves smugglers and gangs that bring crime to our neighborhoods. Faced with this serious challenge our government's responsibility is clear. We're going to protect our borders.
I already commented on the absurdity that we are a nation governed by the rule of law. In addition to my earlier caustic remarks, I'd like to add that just this past week, Lawrence Wilkerson(Colin Powell's Chief of Staff) stated that Dick Cheney committed a domestic crime for his role in the various prisoner abuse scandals, and additionally, thought that this would be a breach of "international crime as well." There's the president's rule of law in action.
Since I took office we've increased funding for border security by 60 percent, and our border agents have caught and sent home more than 4.5 million illegal immigrants, including more than 350,000 with criminal records. Yet we must do more to build on this progress.
"Took (the) office?" I'll let that stand.

Bush goes on to tell us how evil immigration is, and how, through the use of increased manpower, technology(remember this guy?), and a host of other initiatives we're going to stop illegals from coming in to pick fruit and get those Wall Street types to work the lettuce crop(okay, so that last bit's not in the address, but who the hell is going to do this essential work?)
Finally, comprehensive immigration reform requires us to create a new temporary worker program that relieves pressure on the border, but rejects amnesty. By creating a legal channel for willing employers to hire willing workers we will reduce the number of workers trying to sneak across the border, and that would free up law enforcement officers to focus on criminals, drug dealers, terrorists, and others who mean us harm.
Now he's on message. All those illegals are here to harm us. Press that fear button! Press it, damn you! Your poll numbers are in the toilet. Press it!

In the interest of fairness, you can read the President's immigration reform proposals here

We're "Fair and Balanced" here at pure bs!
Our nation has been strengthened by generations of immigrants who became Americans through patience, hard work, and assimilation. In this new century we must continue to welcome legal immigrants and help them learn the customs and values that unite all Americans, including liberty and civic responsibility, equality under God, tolerance for others, and the English language. In the coming months, I look forward to working with Congress on comprehensive immigration reform that will enforce our laws, secure our border, and uphold our deepest values.
Jees, George(native American name: "Governs with his Dick") the indigenous peoples upon which we bestowed smallpox, tuberculosis, and a host of other diseases upon might take umbrage with your entire statement. And didn't we sort of steal their land?

Being an agnostic, I am not living under any god's guiding hand. Much less 'his' repressive social ideas.

How does Bush get away with using "tolerance for others" and the establishment of "English language" for all in the same sentence? That's for minds greater than mine to decipher(I know the answer. It plays to his base..sad, no?)
Thank you for listening.
No, George. Thank you for providing us with such fine leadership and for ending your address with the word 'assimilation.'

The above radio address is available for viewing, and listening at the following link: President's Radio Address

This would make great political humor if it wasn't so damned true(I am not touting my own puerile attempts at humor. I'm talking about "The Address" as delivered)

Let's face it, if I could write, I wouldn't be involved with blobs of sand.

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