Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Wanna See Annie Run?
I just received my daily email dispatches(round 1) and the fine folks at Media Matters are exposing the latest Coulterisms and calling for Ms. Coulter's head. Well technically, they just want her off CNN. The link above gives you the tools to make a forceful argument, and here's the CNN contact form to join the fight against venomous, dissembling, blonde pundits.

I don't need to tell any reader that in order to be taken seriously, use Media Matters' information, as well as your own verifiable work(s)

Ann Coulter should not get a national audience on any network even remotely interested in improving the level of discourse in this country. One would hope that CNN falls into this category(I'm not holding my breath, but Coulter is just so very bad, that there may be hope)

I'm all for free speech, as long as it's both free and accurate when being broadcast over our airwaves.

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