Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Reid Dumps Alito From News Cycle!
Give 'em hell, Harry!
I must say...I know, I'm breaking my self-imposed day off, but this certainly warrants comment.

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid has, by virtue of forcing a closed-session in the Senate today, has blown Alito from the headlines.

Call it partisan, call it what you will, Reid's questions are something that all Americans should be demanding answers to.(ending sentence with a preposition, eh, I'm tired)

His timing was simply genius.

Volleying the ball back to the Rove-Iraq-war-rationale-Wilson-outing was almost too good to believe.

There are a couple of things noteworthy about the press coverage. Read Bill 'serial cat killer' Frist's foaming ad-hominem attack.

Then there is CBS' Bob Fuss' assertion that, "there has not been a closed session in 25 years." Um..Wrong!

On 8, Jan. 1999, the Senate had a closed session to discuss the impeachment process of one William Jefferson Clinton. There were six sessions about the fellated fellow. Of course there have been a few other instances in the last quarter century..But hey, I'm a semi-conductor engineer. My work depends on accuracy ;)

So, the cover-up of an exra-marital affair gets six closed sessions, while matters of grave national security deserve none? That's the GOP's take.

Wrapping up, the WH got a one-day pass. Brilliant!

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