Wednesday, November 02, 2005

pure bs Correction!
In the post below titled, "Reid Dumps Alito From News Cycle!," I made a sweeping statement about closed Senate sessions.
Then there is CBS' Bob Fuss' assertion that, "There has not been a closed session in 25 years." Um..Wrong!

On 8, Jan. 1999, the Senate had a closed session to discuss the impeachment process of one William Jefferson Clinton. There were six sessions about the fellated fellow. Of course there have been a few other instances in the last quarter century..But hey, I'm a semi-conductor engineer. My work depends on accuracy ;)
Since my work does indeed depend on accuracy, it is my duty to give you, my gentle readers the whole truth.

CBS News political corresondent Bob Fuss was probably mis-quoted. A more correct statement about closed Senate sessions would read something like, "There has not been a closed session in 25 years, where the other side wasn't consulted beforehand"(publicly, one can only assume, as what goes on - or went on behind closed doors - prior to Reid's remarkable day can never really be known)

You may think that this is a trifling distinction, but in the interest of accurate blogging, it needs to be aired.

Sorry about any mis-conceptions my earlier post may have caused.

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