Sunday, October 30, 2005

Samsung: Apple's William Tell?
Remember when Samsung electronics sucked? It wasn't too long ago. Now that are the top dog in many core electronics fields. Their famous-among-the-computer-gaming-crowd 'TCCD' DDR DRAM chips are found are found on the best PCB you can buy.

They've had lots of recent announcements, mostly unnoticed by the press, but actively watched by their competitors(and technogeeks, like me). Their announcement today in the Korea Times to start a music download service similar to Apple's iTunes should come as no surprise.

Nor should their desire to build what one can only imagine are iPod like devices with which to store and play the downloaded music.

What Apple acolytes should really be concerned about is that Samsung recently announced industry leading data storage densities.

Put all together, unless they really screw it up, Samsung will be able to undercut the iPod's cost structure - by how much is unknown - and produce the first real contender for portable digital music supremacy that Apple has had since 2001.

Innovation can only take the iPod so far. Samsung makes nearly(if not all) the components that will be incorporated into their version of what a portable music player should be....If you don't think that this is a serious threat, ask any executive at Sony, or Matsushita(Panasonic)

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