Monday, October 31, 2005

It's Alito: It's War!
This guy is a real stinker. He may very well have halitosis, as 'alito' is Italian for 'breath.' That said, let's hope this is Bush's last gasp to get a hard right-wing out-of-touch-with-the-21st-century judge appointed to the SCOTUS.

People For The American Way has a .pdf file regarding Alito here (Adobe Acrobat or another .pdf reader required) and for those amongst us with short attention spans....Now, where was I? ;) Oh, yeah(see below)

People For The American Way's sister site, Save The Court has a quick synopsis of this reactionary's big votes.

Of course it's change the subject Monday, but this cannot stand. Let's do the left thing, and throw back this throwback ;)

Game on, Bush!

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