Saturday, April 03, 2004

Medicare Scandal?

What ever do you mean?

Yesterday, the LA Times reported that the House GOP members shut down an inquiry into whether or not the Bush White House enaged in illegal or inappropriate obfuscation of the costs of the Medicare prescription drug bill(now law).

In case you have, like me, been living under a rock for the past few weeks, at issue is the following: Then Medicare Administrator Thomas A. Scully threatened to fire -- or more accurately, face severe recriminations -- his top actuary, Richard Foster, if he gave lawmakers his analyses showing the costs would be much higher than administration officials were saying publicly.

This issue is far from over. There is a move underway by the Health and Human Services Department to investigate the matter, and Democratic lawmakers have requested civil and criminal inquiries into the matter.

It may yet turn out that the White House and GOP members of Congress may re-open the issue, as the pattern of White House bullying, and obfuscation yields to popular pressure.

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